Manuals & Systems

Empowering your business with comprehensive, compliant, and customisable management systems

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Whether you’re looking for an online or document based manual or system, we can provide a solution to meet your business needs.

Manuals and Systems

Kitney Consulting specializes in creating tailored WHS, quality, environmental, and integrated management systems. 

Whether you need document-based or cloud solutions, our professionally designed manuals and systems ensure compliance with legal obligations and ISO standards, promoting good business practices and enabling pre-qualification, tender submission, and accreditation

OHS/WHS Management Systems

Compliant to harmonised WHS legislation and ISO 45001:2018 OH&S Management Systems

Quality Management Systems

Compliant to ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems

Environmental Management Systems

Compliant to ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management Systems

Our solutions promote good business practice and enable pre-qualification, tender submission, and accreditation to recognised standards.

Kitney Toolkit

Kitney Consulting has access to one of Australia’s largest library of resources for document and online manuals and systems, through Kitney Toolkit. A comprehensive library of manuals, policies, procedures, plans, registers, guides, checklists, forms and templates, available as documents and online in SharePoint and Microsoft 365.

We help organisation’s close gaps in their systems and provide complete management solutions using our extensive library of templates and by developing bespoke, tailored documents or online resources.


Our six-step approach ensures business needs are understood and goals are met.

Our manuals and management systems are developed directly in clients’ online systems, in the Kitney cloud, Dropbox, or in online/cloud systems such as SharePoint or other commercially available platforms.

Contact us for a free and no obligation discussion to explore your needs and services and take the first step towards success.